THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me BENJAMIN FINNEYof the Parish of Broseley in the County of Salop, Brickmaker, made this Twenty Fourth day of January in the Year of Our Lord ,One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Three FIRST I desire to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named and direct that all my Just Debts and Funeral Expenses may be paid and discharged as soon as may conveniently be after my decease.
I give and devise unto my Housekeeper FRANCIS LLOYD and her assigns for and during her natural life in consideration of her faithful services to me ALL these: My Freehold Messuages or Tenements with the Appurtenances thereto belonging situate in the Parish of Broseley aforesaid which I purchased of Rydew and now in the occupation of Wm Randle, William Oakes, Wm Haines. And after the decease of the said FRANCIS LLOYD I give and bequeath the same messuages with the appurtenances as follows VIZ The best of the said houses in the possession of the said William Randle with the appurtenances to that belonging , unto WILLIAM FINNEY otherwise LLOYD, he paying to his two brothers BENJAMIN and FRANCIS FINNEY otherwise LLOYD, the sum of Ten Pounds apiece. TO HOLD the said house (Subject to the payment aforesaid) unto the said WILLIAM FINNEY otherwise LLOYD his heirs and assigns forever. The house now in the possession of William Oakes, I devise unto the said BENJAMIN FINNEY otherwise LLOYD, to hold to him his heirs and assigns forever and the remaining house which is now in the occupation of William Haines, I give and devise unto FRANCIS FINNEY otherwise LLOYD, To hold to him his heirs and assigns forever. It is my will and desire that the aforesaid houses be not sold or mortgaged.
I Give and devise unto my friend Mr Andrew Macalaster of Broseley aforesaid ALL those Messuages and Tenements or Dwelling Houses with the Hereditaments and Appurtenances thereto belonging situate at Madeley Wood in the Parish of Madeley in the County of Salop aforesaid which I lately purchased of and from Edw. John and Samuel Holland TO hold to the said Andrew Macalaster his heirs and assigns UPON TRUST to sell and dispose thereof within Twelve Months after my decease and to pay and dispose out of the money arising from such sale in manner hereinafter mentioned, and I direct that the Receipt or Receipts of my said Trustee for the purchase money to be paid for my said estate, shall be sufficient discharge to the person or persons who shall become a purchaser or purchasers of my said estate under this my Will and the person or persons so purchasing in manner aforesaid shall not be compelled or compellable to take him or themselves the trouble of the Application of the said........Monies in Manner, hereinafter directed, and as to, for, and concerning monies arising from....... aforesaid my Will is that the same be applied to the Uses ,Interests and Purposes following, that is to say ................. immediately to pay off and discharge all such Mortgages, Debts and other Encumbrances as may affect the said Estate as well as selling and disposing thereof hereditaments of the remainder of the said Monies to pay my said Housekeeper FRANCES LLOYD a Legacy of FIFTY POUNDS which I bequeath to her. To my son RICHARD FINNEY the sum of TWENTY POUNDS to be paid to him at Five Pounds a Quarter of a Year till paid up and to my daughter FRANCES POSTANS wife of Thomas Postans of Birmingham, the sum of TWENTY POUNDS. To SARAH LLOYD, the sum of TWENTY FIVE POUNDS. To ISABEL BELL a like sum of TWENTY FIVE POUNDS. To JOHN LLOYD and THOMAS LLOYD the sum of FIVE POUNDS apiece which said Sarah Lloyd, Isabell Bell, John and Thomas Lloyd are children of the said Frances Lloyd.
To the aforesaid FRANCIS FINNEY otherwise LLOYD, the sum of TWENTY POUNDS. To the aforesaid WIILIAM FINNEY otherwise LLOYD, the sum of THIRTY POUNDS and to the aforesaid BENJAMIN FINNEY otherwise LLOYD, the like sum of THIRTY POUNDS. I likewise Give and Bequeath to the said BENJAMIN FINNEY otherwise LLOYD a SILVER WATCH.
It is my Will and I direct in favour of said natural son FRANCIS FINNEY otherwise LLOYD does not live to(return?) from abroad that the Messuages or him as aforesaid shall, on the decease of his Mother the said FRANCES LLOYD, be equally divided between his two Brothers the said BENJAMIN and WILLIAM. And as to for, and concerning All the Rest and Residue and Remainder of my Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresover after payment of my Debts and Legacies and Funeral Expenses and the expenses of proving this my Will not otherwise disposed of by this my Will, I Give and Bequeath the same and every part thereof unto the said Andrew Macalaster his Executors, Administrators and Assigns UPON TRUST nevertheless permit and suffer the same FRANCES LLOYD to have the possession thereof and enjoyment and receive her (Tutscost??) and profits during her natural life, and at her decease, I direct what shall then remain shall be equally divided amongst all my aforesaid children as well naturally as lawfully begotten or such of them as shall be then living, share and share alike, and I further will and direct that my said Trustee his heirs and administrators shall not be charged or chargeable with, or accountable for........Monies than they shall actually Receive by Virtue of this aforesaid Trust, nor with or for, the loss of such Monies or any part thereof so as the same happens without his or their wilful default. And it is my Will that out of the said Estate and Trust Monies.. and they deduct and reimburse himself such losses and Costs, Charges and Expenses or otherwise sustain or be put into by any reason of the Execution of the Trusts of this my Will. And lastly, I constitute and appoint the said Andrew Macalaster, Sole Executor of this my Will ,and do hereby revoke and make void all other and former Wills by me at anytime heretofore made by me and declare this only to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first before written.
Signed with Seal
Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said Testator BENJAMIN FINNEY as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence and at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto.
Charles Price
Jonathan Williams
Edwd Harper.
PROVED at Hereford 25th February 1793 before the Worshipful Geo Harris D.L., J.P.Gen; and P by the oath of Andrew Macalaster the sole Executor within named sworn before the Rev.d Chas Price, Clerk by virtue of aformon?? To whom e P??